HFIC encourages supporting food banks to help feeding poor and needy.
There are a number of food banks that require halal food, especially meat, to distribute to Muslim families throughout the year. We urge the readers and all halal industry stakeholders to try and facilitate the support that those food banks needed. This can be done in a variety of ways:
- donating meat and grocery items monthly/regularly out of your own shopping baskets
- donating your Aqiqah and Qurbani meat
- donating some food catered for weddings, parties, events
Below is a list of food banks that are actively distributing halal meat/food to people in need:
– Sufra NW, London https://www.sufra-nwlondon.org.uk/
– Swan, London SWAN | London(opens in a new tab)
– North Paddington Foodbank, London https://www.npfoodbank.org.uk/
– Newham Community Project, London https://www.newhamcommunityproject.org/food-bank.html
– Cann Hall Masjid, London https://cannhall.org/
-Pl84u Al-Suffa, London https://www.pl84ualsuffa.co.uk/
– East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre, https://www.eastlondonmosque.org.uk/
– The Open Kitchen, Muslim Hands, Hounslow https://muslimhands.org.uk/appeals/the-open-kitchen
-The Felix Project, London https://thefelixproject.org/
– Al Huda Welfare Foundation, Chadwell Heath https://alhudauk.com/
-Secret Angels, Wolverhampton https://www.facebook.com/secretangelsuk/
– Kokni Muslim Association, Masjid Al-Falah, Birmingham https://kmab.org.uk/
– FareShare, Nationwide https://fareshare.org.uk/
-As Suffa, Birmingham https://www.as-suffa.org/food-bank/
– Birmingham Central Mosque https://centralmosque.org.uk/
– One Roof Leicester https://www.oneroof.org.uk/
– Give a Gift, Leeds https://giveagift.org.uk/
– Liverpool Region Mosque Network, Liverpool https://lrmnet.org.uk/
– Cambridge Central Mosque, Cambridge https://cambridgecentralmosque.org/
– Open Kitchen, Manchester https://www.facebook.com/openkitchenmanchester/
– Khizra Mosque, Manchester (from #VisitMyMosque).
– Islamic Social & Educational Trust (as above)
– Dar Ul Isra Mosque, Cardiff https://darulisra.org.uk/
– Shrewsbury Food Hub, Shropshire https://www.shrewsburyfoodhub.org.uk/donate-surplus-food
– Shropshire Supports Refugees https://www.shropshiresupportsrefugees.org/
This list is regularly updated, and not exhaustive. If you need any assistance in contacting or donating your halal meat and food to any of the above food banks, please contact us at hello@hfic.org.uk and we will be pleased to help you.
Let’s collaborate and continue sharing………because….. we care!
See the above food banks in the map linked below: